MongoDB from D to B

Hello again reader! (I hope there’s at least one of you) It’s been quite a while since I wrote last and to be honest for a while it looked like I might never write again. It certainly wasn’t because I didn’t think about writing, in fact, I thought about writing almost every week. However, between adapting to ‘Agile‘ development at work and keeping up with my courses I didn’t even have time to blink. As of today, though, I’m putting this ship back on track so I will move on to the actual topic…

MongoDB again!
MongoDB again!

This post is kind of a cop-out since it is actually just a post of a couple of presentations I worked on to introduce my co-workers to MongoDB, but it’s better to start slow than never starting again. Some of the intended effect might be lost as I like to keep my slides brief while I do most of the talking. However, throughout the slides I cover a lot of MongoDB topics ranging from beginner to advanced. The presentations are available here.

As I said there are two presentations. The first presentation covers many of the things you should know when working with a single instance of MongoDB. Aside from beginner friendly stuff I also cover many details about the inner workings of the database. A lot of the information covered in this presentation comes from ‘MongoDB: The Definitive Guide‘ by Kristina Chodorow (she is currently working on an updated version of the book). The second presentation, in addition to covering indexing, covers many of the things anyone should know when dealing with MongoDB replication and sharding. Here again I borrow some information form the excellent Definitive Guide. This last presentation also borrows some images form existing MongoDB presentations available here.

I hope you enjoy the knowledge!

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