WordPress: 1and1 Click & Destroy

When I first started this endeavor I was swayed by the simplicity of 1and1’s (my host) touted ‘Click & Build’ feature. I was so swayed by it that I made the mistake of first attempting to set up WordPress like that. What I got was a husk of WordPress, an outdated, impossible to update or fully customize version. After removing this version with 1and1’s much more useful feature, the one click uninstall, I set about to set up WordPress on my own. As it turns out this is not a difficult task at all. The following guide should show anyone Continue reading WordPress: 1and1 Click & Destroy

Hello Blog?

Just getting the first taste of what a blog post feels like. In the future you may look forward to some actual information in these pages. I’m currently working heavily in .NET development and edging out towards other technologies. Specifically I’m dealing with things like WCF, Unity, and MongoDB. Look out for posts covering my troubles  and successes with those soon. I’ll come back around another day… with some content.